
Issue Title
Vol 46, No 5 (2018) Gene expression of digestive enzymes during the initial ontogeny of Mexican snook Centropomus poeyi Abstract  PDF
Gloria Gertrudys Asencio-Alcudia, Dariel Tovar-Ramírez, Hever Latisnere-Barragán, Rafael Martínez-García, Wilfrido Miguel Contreras-Sánchez, Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-González
Vol 41, No 5 (2013) Growth, survival and incidence of skeletal malformations in different biotypes of Rhamdia quelen during larviculture Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
David R. Hernández, Juan J. Santinón, Sebastián Sánchez, Hugo A. Domitrovic
Vol 50, No 4 (2022) Skeletal anomalies in dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus larviculture Abstract  PDF
Gitonilson Antônio Moreira Tosta, Caterina Muramoto, Silene Duarte Costa de Medeiros, Ricardo Castelo Branco Albinati, Bruno Silva Olier, Eduardo Gomes Sanches
Vol 43, No 4 (2015) Inclusion of copepod Acartia tonsa nauplii in the feeding of Centropomus undecimalis larvae increases stress resistance Abstract  PDF
Wanessa de Melo-Costa, Cristina Vaz Avelar de Carvalho, Gabriel Passini, Andressa Teles, Manuela Sozo-Cecchini, Vinicius Ronzani-Cerqueira
1 - 4 of 4 Items

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